The upper primary provides a dynamic learning environment where students are encouraged to experience new things while buildings the foundational skills necessary for academic success.

Our program focuses on innovative practices that promote learning at deeper level. Students are empowered to set goals, reflect on their learning, and take action.

Vedant International School focus on the development of the whole child in every area of learning; academic; emotional, and social learning are all valued.

Students are encouraged to become balance individuals across sporting, artistic, academic, social, and cultural interests. We hold regular sporting events concerts and offer a wide range of in and extracurricular activities for our students.

The Vedant International School curriculum includes the core subject areas of language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, as well as music visual arts, and physical education.

Vedant places particular importance on reading. We have a wonderful library to support this learning. Students in upper primary visit our school library weekly. This is whole school hub of learning, as well as a place for quiet retreat.