Extra curricular Activity

Considering primary motivation for the generation of narratives is a useful concept

Creative Writing

Creative writing is an extracurricular that is closely tied with our academic coursework in Languages like English, Gujarati and Hindi and in fact is probably a partial requirement of at least some of our language classes.... If you’re a high school student interested in creative writing, you may or may not have a number of broad extracurricular options to pursue during the school year, depending on your school. You might be a part of your school’s literary magazine, or participate in creative writing workshops. Maybe you are lucky enough to attend a school with dedicated creative writing classes or poetry electives. There are many reasons to pursue extracurriculars in general. They can serve to strengthen your academic profile, they allow you to pursue interests not otherwise available through traditional classwork, and they can provide valuable, real-world experience.

Arts & Craft

Arts and crafts describe a wide variety of activities involving making things with one's own hands. Art and craft are excellent hobbies. We can express our creativity and enjoy the pleasure of expressing our inner... thoughts and feelings. our students always feel so happy and contented when someone appreciates their art and craft. There is no doubt that arts and crafts are fun activities for kids. Be it coloring with crayons or making miniature statues from clay, folding paper to create fine origami or designing a handmade birthday card, there are several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interest of the children and exploit their artistic potential. By introducing arts and crafts to the kids and involving them in such activities in schools, we will invest in building their cognitive, physical, and social development.


Through dance, students learn teamwork, focus, and improvisational skills. Dance also enhances skills of perception, observation, and concentration which will undoubtedly help students in all... of their school subjects as part of the school curriculum. In reality, anything that you spend time pursuing on a regular basis outside of your required academic coursework can count as an extracurricular. For many students, this means sports teams, art, and student government and for thousands of students across the country, it means dance. Dance is one of the important extracurricular activities for kids that teaches your child about their culture. It also plays an important role in the physical and mental development of your child. It also teaches them about discipline and endurance. There are so many styles of dances to choose from, such as contemporary, hip-hop, classical, western, or lyrical dance styles. Dance is one of the most engaging activities that offer much-needed exercise and focus for today’s kids.

Martial Art/Karate

The term "extra-curricular" means in addition to the child's regular curriculum. So yes, karate would be considered extra-curricular by all. Karate is a Japanese martial art whose physical aspects seek the development... of defensive and counterattacking body movements. The themes of traditional karate training are fighting and self-defense, though its mental and moral aspects target the overall improvement of the individual. Vedant international school always provide best among all for their student’s. As per current arena self-defense specially for girls is mandatory. For all kind of self-development and safety of our student we provide them the best mentors and coaches. Special classes and equipment’s available for extra-curricular activities like karate.